

12 Interesting Ngorongoro Crater Facts

Ngorongoro Crater, often referred to as "Africa's Eden" and the "Eighth Wonder of the World," is a unique natural wonder located in Tanzania. It is part of the larger Ngorongoro Conservation Area, which spans over 8,292 square kilometers. Here are 12 fascinating facts about this incredible destination: World's Largest Inactive, Intact, and Unfilled Volcanic Caldera Ngorongoro Crater holds the title

Top 5 Things and Activities to Do When on a Safari in Serengeti

Embarking on a safari in the Serengeti is an adventure like no other. Known for its vast plains, rich wildlife, and dramatic landscapes, the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania offers an unparalleled safari experience. At African Big Cats Safaris, we specialize in curating bespoke safari experiences that cater to your unique interests and preferences. Here, we explore the top five

Best Time for a Safari in Tanzania: An Ultimate Guide by African Big Cats Safaris

Tanzania, the jewel of East Africa, offers some of the most breathtaking safari experiences in the world. At African Big Cats Safaris, we specialize in curating bespoke safari experiences that bring you closer to nature and its majestic wildlife. One of the most common questions we receive is, "When is the best time for a safari in Tanzania?" In this

African Big Cats Safaris: Our Safari Vehicles

Embark on the wildest adventure with African Big Cats Safaris! Our safari vehicles are custom-designed for optimal wildlife viewing, providing comfort and safety as we explore the breathtaking landscapes of Africa. Get up close and personal with majestic lions, elusive leopards, and graceful cheetahs – an experience you'll never forget! Our entire safari vehicles are Toyota Land Cruiser 4×4’s with pop-up roofs

African Big Cats Safaris: Your gateway to unparalleled safari experiences

Welcome to African Big Cats Safaris, your gateway to unparalleled safari experiences in the breathtaking landscapes of Tanzania. Immerse yourself in the vibrant African wilderness and witness the majesty of its iconic big cats. Our bespoke safari packages offer an adventure like no other, where you'll encounter the raw beauty of nature while creating lifelong memories. Join us as we